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INSPIRATION 2024: A Vision Board & Connection Gathering with Mandy Doyle

Join us for an evening of INSPIRING community craft & collaboration time, where we will utilize words, pictures, intentions & any other sources of inspiration to create our own unique vision boards for 2024!

Let your creativity come alive as you dream up infinite possibility for the new year! Our evening together will include...

⊹ guided meditation
⊹ journal prompts
⊹ plenty of space to let your creativity and dreams guide you
⊹ brief sound meditation
⊹ community (vegan) potluck!

We will be providing an abundance of materials for vision boarding including poster paper, cardboard, glue sticks, magazines, markers, scissors, tape, etc. Feel free to bring any of your own supplies that you're inspired to incorporate too!

Please bring a vegan potluck dish (bonus points if soy free!!!) to share with the group if you're able :)

>> sign up here!

November 3

PreNatal Retreat with The Womb Room

February 1

Virtual Imbolc Ritual